
GoCare Community

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    Our GoCare Community’s mission is to be selfless, caring, loving and provide life coaching support by bringing awareness of clean habits, hygienic living, good moral and by guiding to reconcile and heal the minds of the poor women in distress , irrespective of caste, race, religion or colour.

    Why life coaching support? “There is hunger for basic food, and there is hunger for love, kindness, thoughtfulness and the latter is the greater poverty that makes people suffer so much” – Mother Theresa. Life coaching addresses this latter part of hunger by early intervening and preventing.

    Many women among the poorest of the poor become invisible and live a shadowed life. Nobody has time for them and their voice is never heard. This puts them into a state of psychological and mental stress. Also by ignorance of hygienic living and clean habit many live a life of pain. These in turn, affect their physical health unable to care for their children and family in general. Life coaching helps them to overcome these situations.

    Why Sponsor?

    Who benefits? Women who are bounded with the chains of extreme social and emotional stresses and find themselves abused, exploited or live a life of loneliness.

    What are the benefits?Women are liberated from the chains of extreme stresses, empowered and find confidence to regain their self-esteem with a life coach’s guidance as well as drawing strength from the experiences of others in their group. They are supported, guided, helped to learn the art of fine living and reconcile and heal their mind and they learn to picture their future in a positive way and work towards it.

    How are these operated to ensure the benefits reach the real needy? Our Self-Help Group called GoCare Community Groups are set up in various localities, hosted in the house of one of the member. Our Life Coach for that location provides life coaching support for the group, as well as encourages them to extent mutual support for each other by sharing their stories, stresses, feelings, issues and recoveries and draw strength from each other’s experience.

    What can your donation achieve? Each GoCare Community Group can support 12 members at a given point of time. Some women go through the healing process for a shorter time and some for a longer time. Considering an average healing period of 3 months, 48 women and her children in particular and family at large are benefited each year. A life changing impact with a small donation!

    What can you do today?

    Sponsor running of a Good Samaritans Group at Rs.5000 per month.

    Donate any amount per month to support the work of GoCare Community.

    Get Involved

    Host a GoCare Community Group in your house.

    Be trained and serve as a Life Coach.

    Sometime back, when my husband was working as cashier in a company, he lost company’s money. Hence he lost his job and a police case was filed against him. We were devastated and my husband contemplated to commit suicide. When I heard this, I did not know what to do.

    In a desperate situation, I contacted Ebendavid office, the GSG coordinator of Ebendavid and from then she was of emotional and mental support to me. This helped me to have clarity in my mind and draw my husband too to the light. With the counseling support and by God’s grace, we were able to manage this situation. My husband’s former employer gave us time to repay and the police case was dropped. With God’s help and right frame of mind, my husband was able to find a new job and now we live happily. There is peace in our heart. We thank God for delivering us from this critical situation and the Good Samaritans Group of Ebendavid for being with me during this tough time of our life.

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