
UpSkill Center

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    Our UpSkill Centers’ mission is to provide skill development courses for the unemployed, poor and destitute women through like-minded organizations in various localities, for the people living in poverty, irrespective of caste, race, religion or colour, to transform their lives.

    Why Skill development? Many women among the poorest of the poor end up in a situation where they need to earn money to feed their children, but realise that they do not have any education or skill. The only available option is to go for hard labour and possibly be exploited into modern day slavery. This affects her health, as well as money is not enough to meet very basic human necessities in a family. Learning an employable skill will help them to break the cycle of their poverty.

    Why Sponsor?

    Who benefits? Women who are bounded with the chains of extreme poverty or face horrific living conditions and exploitation or live a life of shame.

    What are the benefits? Women are liberated from the chains of poverty, empowered and find confidence to regain their self-esteem by finding a respectable work with fair earnings.

    How are these operated to ensure the benefits reach the real needy? We partner with a like-minded organization in each village/slum to set up a Skill Developments Centre in their locality. Our Village/Slum-wise local partner will have the local information to verify that the applicant is genuinely poor and will ensure that the training is being conducted regularly and is effective. Our Field Officer makes periodic visits to access the skill of the teacher, scrutinize all trainee applications, review progress and upon completion of training, assess the skill of all trainees. Upon successful completion certificates are issued.

    What can your donation achieve? Each Skill Development Centre has the capacity to train 12 participants every 6 months. Hence 24 women and their children are benefited each year. A life changing impact in 48 families each year!

    What can you do today?

    Sponsor the running of a skill Development Centre at Rs.4500 per month.

    Donate any amount per month to support the work of a Skill Development Centre.

    Sponsor setting up of a skill development centre at Rs.26,500 (One off)

    Get Involved

    Share your tailoring talents for the under privileged to acquire this skill.

    Share your MS Office or Tally software knowledge for the under privileged to acquire a skill.

    Share your other skills for the under privileged to acquire a skill.

    Tailoring Training Centre

    Computer Training Centre

    Micro Skill Training Program

    Course Completion Program

    Testimony 1

    M/S. Kanika, Sheela & Shanthi’s Testimony

    We live in the village of Payanoor. All of us were housewives and came to know that Ebendavid Charities is organizing a free tailoring course in our village. This was a great opportunity for all of us since this was near our homes and we will be able to take part without many disturbances to our routine lives. We joined and classes started in February 2017 and we completed successfully in July 2017. Before even the course was completed we were contacted by the nearby Export Company (S.M. Export Company). After completing the course we approached this company with our certificates and we were offered tailoring jobs. Our salary was fixed at Rs.8000 per month per person with transportation provided by the company. What a great surprise! We are very happy, excited and thankful to God and Ebendavid Charities for giving us this opportunity to learn this skill.

    Testimony 2

    “My name is A. Durga. I am housewife and I live in the village of Ambajipeta of Andhra Pradesh. I came to know that free tailoring course is offered and I enrolled to the program on 25.4.17 and the course ended on 10.11.17. By completing this tailoring course, I learnt to stitch Chudithar, Blouse and Kids dresses. Now I have started my own tailoring business from home. I am greatly thankful to Ebendavid Charities for providing this free tailoring course to a poor like me.”

    Testimony 3

    “My name is Valli from Padappai village, Kanchipuram District. I got an opportunity to join the free tailoring course on 20.3.17 and the course completed on 16.9.17. This training course of 6 months has developed my skills in cutting and stitching of Blouse, Children’s Dress and Chudithar. This training program also helped me to get employed and now I am working for a Garment Factory earning Rs.6000 per month. I thank God and Ebendavid Charities for providing such a great opportunity to develop my skills.”

    Testimonial 4

    “My name is Rachel. I come from Arcot Village. I was very passionate of learning new skills for a long time and I could not find a right place to learn these skills. When my friends make baskets, I watch them and become passionate of learning but no one was ready to teach me. Then through one of my contact, I heard that in Rantham village basket making and many other skills are going to be taught for free, especially for women. It was my dream come true and today I attended this training program. This is very useful and we can do this from home and make some extra money. Especially commercial cooking was another interesting skill that I learnt today. For any of these training, generally we have to pay a huge amount to develop our skills, but this was free and has helped me to develop my skills for free. I am sure this training program will help me to increase our family income in the future and also I can be a mentor for those who are interested to learn. I am so thankful to God that I got an opportunity to attend this program and also I am thankful to Ebendavid Charities for conducting such program”.

    Testimonial 5

    My name is Suganya. I am a house wife living in the village of Padapai. I heard about the skill training to be provided near my home for free and I enrolled to the program. The training on making Chemical Products impressed and motivated me to learn these skills with utmost care. I got the raw materials for preparing surf powder and phenyl even before the training period completed and prepared these products taught, on my own, with the support of the trainer. It was so simple to learn and do. I never thought that I would get an opportunity like this. Going forward, these skills will help me to increase my family income. I thank God and Ebendavid Charities for organization such a program in our village.

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